Washing Machine with Cloths

Essential Maintenance Tips for Keeping Your Washing Machine Running Smoothly

Do you ever get frustrated when your washing machine acts up and breaks down unexpectedly? 

We know we do! 

As much as we love them, maintaining washing machines can sometimes seem like a drag.

But get this – with just a few easy maintenance tweaks, you can avoid annoying repair bills and keep your washer running smoothly for years.

In this article, we’ll give you the inside scoop on effortless ways to care and maintenance for your washing machine. We’ll look at basic stuff like cleaning filters, descaling wash tubs, checking drain hoses etc. so you can nip problems in the bud before they turn into headaches.

Ready to give your washer the love they deserve? Let’s dive in!

1. Clean the Filters Regularly

Cleaning Filters Regularly
Credits: Haier India

Washing machines come with filters that catch lint, dirt, coins, buttons etc. that detach from clothes during the wash cycle. If these filters clog up with debris over time, it can reduce water flow. This will affect the machine’s cleaning performance.

Make it a habit to check and clean out the filters once every 2 weeks. 

Top load machines usually have an easily removable round magic filter at the bottom of the tub. For front load machines, the filters are typically behind a cover on the lower front panel. Remove any built-up fluff or particles and rinse it thoroughly before putting it back.

2. Leave the Door Open After Use

After you finish using the washing machine for the day, leave the door open to allow air circulation inside the washer tub. This allows any lingering moisture to evaporate and prevents the growth of mold and mildew which causes unpleasant odors. Make sure to wipe the door gasket as well using an old towel to absorb excess moisture.

3. Run a Hot Rinse Cycle Monthly

Mineral deposits from hard water and soap scum build-ups inside the machine can lead to clogging and staining over time. Monthly, run an empty hot rinse cycle with either vinegar or a descaling powder. This will help dissolve any mineral deposits and clean out residual detergent, keeping the interiors fresh.

For top load machines fill the detergent compartment with 200 ml of white vinegar and run a full hot cycle. For front load machines, use specialized descaling powders as per the instructions. This regular hot rinse prevents mineral build-up helping improve the lifespan of the pipes and valves.

4. Clean Out the Dispenser Drawer

Silent Motor Washing Machine
Credits: Haier India

Don’t neglect the detergent and fabric softener dispenser drawer while cleaning your machine. Leftover gunk from detergents and residue from fabric softeners/bleaches can clog the valves. Remove the drawer by pressing the release latch and pull it out completely.

Rinse the drawer under running water to dissolve stuck-on residue. Use an old toothbrush to loosen buildup and clean the nooks. Rinse and replace it back in the slot. Also, wipe down the panel using a diluted bleach solution avoiding electrical parts. This keeps any slime mold from accumulating.

5. Inspect the Drain Hose

Check that the drain hose at the back of the machine is positioned correctly to ensure there are no leaks or overflow. As a precaution against leaks or back flow of dirty water, you can purchase anti-flood devices. These will automatically cut-off water flow if the hose level rises above the permissible limit.

While you’re there, examine the drain hose for cracks or mold spots which indicate early signs of wear and tear. Replace defective parts right away to prevent accidents and water damage.

6. Level Out Uneven Legs

Washing Machine
Credits: Haier India

Over time washing machine legs get uneven due to physical movement against the floor during numerous wash cycles. If the machine is rocking excessively during a spin, the legs need adjustment. Check which legs need to be extended using a leveling tool or bubble leveler placed on top of the machine.

Twist out each leg at the base manually or use pliers to adjust the legs until the bubble is centered indicating an even flat surface. Ideally for stability, no leg should have more than a 1-inch gap under it. This prevents “walking” and also reduces noise and vibration issues.

7. Clean Exterior and Detergent Drawer

Haier Washing Machine
Credits: Haier India

Use a damp cloth to wipe down the exterior cabinet and control panels to prevent dirt accumulation. Avoid harsh chemicals; all-purpose cleaners diluted in water work fine for occasional cleaning. Pay special attention to the gasket and detergent drawer area which are prone to staining.

Check the power cord and plug points and make sure they are not overheating. Unplug the machine and clean out the socket inlet and the prongs using a dry cloth. Any dirt buildup can lead to electrocution hazards.

Key Takeaway – Basic Care Goes a Long Way

By following these handy maintenance tips regularly, your washing machine will thank you! Just a little bit of basic care and attention to cleanliness makes a world of difference in appliance longevity and functioning. 

Your machine will have fewer hiccups, operate more efficiently using less electricity and water and generally last over 10 years.

Protect your appliance investment and avoid difficult laundry days with unexpected repair bills. Make washing machine care a part of your regular cleaning routines.

If you’re struggling to maintain your old washing machine and looking for a top-load, front-load or a semi-automatic washing machine, Haier has a large selection of washing machines for every use-case.

Let us know in the comments if you have any other upkeep tips to share!