Air Conditioner for all climate

5 Key Benefits of Smart Air Conditioner You Need to Know

Each year, summers in India seem to grow hotter. In turn, air conditioners have become a necessity. These days they’re not just for that though; people are looking for a unit that is also energy efficient and cost effective.

That’s where smart air conditioners come in.

With the advancement of technology, companies have developed new features that will help you save money. While still being able to keep your home cool.

In this article we’ll explore five key benefits of smart air conditioners.

What Makes an Air Conditioner Smart?

A smart AC unit is any Wi-Fi enabled air conditioner that can be operated by voice commands or with a smartphone app from anywhere. 

Smart units differ from regular ACs by having sensors, algorithms and automation. Allowing them to provide personalized cooling and conserve energy.

Other features include:

  •  Wi-Fi connectivity
  • Intelligent sensors
  • Machine learning algorithms
  • Geofencing
  • Integration with other devices around your home
  • Tracking of your energy usage and reports on how to lower it

Using these features, smart units will create an unmatched cooling experience compared to their dated counterparts.

Key Benefits of Smart Air Conditioners

Smart Air Conditioners
Credits: Haier India

1. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Saving energy is one of the biggest advantages of using a smart AC.  By using sensors and algorithms, the unit will optimize its performance based on factors like outdoor weather, room occupancy and user preferences (like temperature).

When you leave home: A smart unit with geofencing can automatically switch into an energy-saving mode once you cross a certain distance.

If no one has been in the room for a while: The AC will adjust its cooling capacity or completely shut off so it doesn’t waste power.

2. Enhanced Comfort and Convenience

AC units that can be controlled remotely will change the way you use them. 

With the ability to turn it on before walking into a hot room, or off when you leave: You won’t be wasting any energy or time.

Smart AC units learn what temperature you like your room over time. Ideally, they would then optimize their schedule to ensure your comfort without wasting power.

Similarly, if you know certain temperatures feel better at different times of the day: You can have those changes set to a schedule so you never have to get up in the middle of the night because it’s too warm.

With the integration of smart speakers such as Amazon’s Alexa or Google Home, you can now use voice commands to turn your AC on/off, adjust temperature, change modes or even ask for energy usage reports. It is truly a hands free cooling experience and one that is liked by many.

3. Maintenance and Longevity

Maintenance is everything when it comes to an air conditioner. However, tasks such as cleaning filters are often forgotten about.

Forgetting to complete these small tasks can lead to bigger problems down the line.

Many smart air conditioners come with self-diagnostics capabilities which help detect potential issues before they become costly breakdowns.

For example, if the AC detects that the filters are clogged or the refrigerant level is low, it will send you a notification right onto your smartphone along with maintenance instructions.

Some high-end models also have self-cleaning features that automatically clean indoor unit’s coils and filters. This saves you time and effort while extending the lifespan of your AC by preventing dirt and dust build-up.

So long as you proactively maintain your smart AC system then you should be in good hands for many years to come.

4. Air Quality Improvement

Smart Air Conditioners
Credits: Haier India

Air conditioners do more than just cool the house. They also play a vital role in maintaining indoor air quality.

However, not properly cleaning them can actually worsen air quality by blowing around dust and microbes into your home instead of out it.

Smart ACs solve this problem by employing advanced filtration systems and air purification features.

Most smart units have built-in high-quality filters that capture microscopic particles like dust, pollen or smoke. Some even have special filters treated with antimicrobial coating to inhibit growth of bacteria or viruses.

This ensures that the air circulated by your AC is not just comfortable but also clean to breathe in daily life.

Some advanced units also have built-in sensors that can detect pollutants in real-time. If the pollution drops below a certain threshold, the AC will automatically activate its purification mode to filter out the contaminants and circulate fresh air.

This is especially beneficial for people with allergies, asthma or other respiratory sensitivities.

5. Integration with Smart Home Devices

Another key advantage of smart air conditioners is their ability to integrate with other smart home devices and systems.

This allows you to create a fully automated and interconnected home ecosystem for maximum comfort, convenience and energy efficiency.

For example, you can connect your smart AC system to a smart thermostat and create custom cooling schedules based on your daily routines. You can also set up automation rules to adjust the AC settings based on other factors like room occupancy, ambient light or outdoor weather.

If you have a smart home hub like Samsung SmartThings or Amazon Echo, your smart AC can be controlled by one app or voice commands. This allows you to manage other devices like lights, curtains and fans.

For example, if you have a scene called “Good Night” then all of the lights will automatically turn off as well as the curtains closing. The AC will adjust temperature so that everyone is comfortable while they sleep.

Integrated solar panels and energy management systems are another great feature of smart ACs.

They allow the AC to monitor how much energy it produces and consumes.

That way it can maximize its usability during peak solar times which reduces your reliance on grid power.

Haier’s  Exclusive Smart Air Conditioners For Your Place

Smart Air Conditioners
Credits: Haier India
  • The Haier 1.6 Ton 5 Star Elegante Heavy Duty Hexa Inverter Split AC (HSU19E-TXS5BN-INV) features Hexa Inverter technology for powerful performance and 65% energy savings along with robust heavy duty cooling. It provides supersonic cooling in 10 secs, frost self-cleaning, 20m air throw, 7 in 1 convertible modes, cooling at 60°C ambient temperature, stronger PCB, 100% grooved copper, super anti-corrosion, super micro anti-bacterial filter, and super quiet operation for an exceptional cooling experience.
  • The Haier 1.6 Ton 5 Star Elegante Heavy Duty Hexa Inverter Split AC (HSU19E-TXG5BN-INV) comes equipped with Hexa Inverter technology for powerful cooling and 65% energy savings. It has robust heavy duty cooling, supersonic 10 sec cooling, self-cleaning, 20m air throw, 7 convertible modes, 60°C ambient cooling, stronger PCB, 100% grooved copper, super anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial filter, and quiet operation for reliable and efficient performance.
  • The Haier 1.5 Ton 3 Star Clean Cool Triple Inverter Split AC (HSU18C-TQB3BN-INV) features Triple Inverter technology for quick cooling and 60% energy savings. It provides supersonic 10 sec cooling, self-cleaning, 20m air throw, 7 convertible modes, 60°C ambient operation, stronger PCB, 100% grooved copper, super anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial filter, and quiet operation for premium comfort.
  • The Haier 1 Ton 5 Star Elegante Heavy Duty Hexa Inverter Split AC (HSU14E-TXG5BN-INV) has Hexa Inverter technology for powerful cooling and 65% energy savings. It offers robust heavy duty performance, supersonic 10 sec cooling, self-cleaning, 20m air throw, 7 convertible modes, 60°C ambient operation, stronger PCB, 100% grooved copper, super anti-corrosion, anti-bacterial filter, and quiet operation for an exceptional cooling experience.


Smart air conditioners offer a wide range of benefits that make them worth investing in for Indian consumers. They’re energy efficient, cost-saving, and more comfortable than older models. They improve air quality and home convenience. 

These devices are able to adapt to your preferences and integrate with other devices around the house. Smart ACs are the future of cooling our homes, and as technology advances we’ll be seeing even more incredible innovations soon. 

If you plan on upgrading your home cooling system anytime soon, consider getting a smart AC.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What’s a Smart Air Conditioner?

A smart AC is a Wi-Fi enabled air conditioner that can be controlled using an app on your smartphone or through voice commands. It’s equipped with advanced sensors, algorithms, and automation to optimize performance and energy usage.

2. How do they help the environment?

Smart air conditioning reduces overall waste while still keeping temperatures low. With features like occupancy detection and weather adaptation it utilizes power only when necessary so you won’t have to worry about high electricity bills.

3. Do these smart machines reduce energy consumption?

Yes they really do. The same study mentioned earlier said that they save up to 65% more energy compared to units without inverters.  On top of being better than old models by default, at their worst instances they’re usually 15-20% better than other inverter ACs as well thanks to their powerful sensors and algorithms that adjust cooling levels depending on room occupancy or outdoor weather conditions.